Testimonial for Project Safeguard 
Darla is passionate and understands the projects she produces. She is so easy to work with and her work reflects her passion.
Darla produced,directed and helped write the copy for our anti domestic violence PSA titled “Real Men Dont Hit Girls”, as well as the impactful short film ” Faces”. The film is a series of vignettes which depict the different types of Domestic Violence, including the not so obvious types.
Not just once, but twice, the script, photography and acting were each accurate, stylish and of such high quality
we could not have imagined better film representation of our agency.
Paula Hammond- Project Safeguard
I have always had an inspiration for filmmaking. The way the set is lit, the way the camera moves up, down, forward, back, the way the characters interact, and the music that melds it together to visually and audibly tell a story. In 2010 I contacted a now dear friend, Darla Rae from Film It Productions in Denver, Colorado. She was an extra in the original 1978 John Carpenter’s Halloween, who from that point on has become a very successful producer and director. Most importantly, she was a blessing in disguise. She gave me a shot at my first film to be seen by the public. It even made national news. Throughout the process she advised of the do’s and don’ts of the filmmaking process. Darla has this “go get it” attitude that has stuck with me since to this day. You want music rights for your film? Send emails and call the people in charge. Here is me, 16 years old, calling and contacting music labels to release rights for my student film. And rights released I accomplished. She even had a production crew film half of it in Colorado! There was no compromising. Darla has given me the tools and confidence to become successful in my way of visual storytelling. I am truly and considerably honored to have worked with such a generous and kind spirited person. I will continue my journey as a filmmaker and will serve my purpose to fulfill my passion. Mentors are priceless. I am blessed.
Eric Iyoob